Thursday, October 31, 2019
Critically discuss the view that anti-globalisation arguments Essay - 3
Critically discuss the view that anti-globalisation arguments seriously undervalue the benefits that globalisation has delivered for all countries 01153 - Essay Example However, issues such as the global financial crisis and unethical practices of GlaxoSmithKline are unintended effects of globalisation. These occurrences are all caused by unethical human practices and therefore they do not provide substantial evidence that questions the benefits provided by globalisation (Benyon and Dunkerley, 2000). Financial crisis was mainly triggered by an uncontrolled greed for profit of various businessmen who aided several unethical practices that includes accounts manipulation, complex product development and illicit trading. 6 Globalization indicates the opportunity of nationalistic and local perspectives towards a broader view of an interdependent and interconnected world with open transfer of goods, capital, and services athwart national frontiers. It defines the way people and countries interrelate and integrate (Mahajan, 2006). Globalization includes many sections and can be cultural, political, and economic. Political globalization is termed as how nations and institutions influence the entire world. Economic globalization is referred to how nations are coming collectively as one immense global economy. Cultural globalization is referred to how customs is becoming uniform, which implies that people across the world perform in a similar manner (Mott, 2004). Anti-globalization is defined as a movement to oppose the globalization’s trend and its unsafe effect, as well as to reorganize unbridled capitalism. The movement of anti-globalization places focus more on human decency and economic efficien cy versus profits and corporate competition at any price (Held and McGrew, 2007). This paper will examine how arguments of anti-globalization gravely undervalue the benefits that globalization has delivered for all countries. Some of the economists argue that globalization is considered as positive development because it will increase employment opportunities as well as develop new industries in the emerging countries.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Managing in a global economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Managing in a global economy - Essay Example The candies include a variety of candy and chocolate clusters, caramels, creams, truffles and molded chocolate bars. Individual franchise stores make a variety of caramel and apple candies, fudge, chocolate items and other assorted candies. The company needs to open a franchise store in Singapore. This paper seeks to develop an organizational structure, financial analysis and human resource practices that will ensure success of the franchise in the new location. Functional authority organizational structure will be used for the Singapore franchise. The structure is preferred because it is simple and clearly defines roles and functions of each department. The hierarchy of authority and channels of communication are well defined to facilitate smooth operations and eliminate any confusion. A simple organizational structure is appropriate for the new business because it cuts down administration costs and increase efficiency, which is greatly needed for the franchise to break even and become profitable. The job positions for this structure include line positions and staff positions (Milgrom & Roberts, 2013). Line positions are responsible for the attainment of the company’s goals and objectives. The staff positions provide expertise, advice, and support for the line positions. The line officers/managers have line/direct authority that they exercise to attain organizational goals. The staff officers/managers have functional authority to ad vice line officers and supervise their work. Related jobs are combined to form a functional unit. For example, the chocolate and candy products are placed in different departments. Within these departments, there are sub-divisions that specialize in different activities such as mixing the recipes and adding different flavors e.g. caramel department is different from sub-division that makes fudge or truffles. Functional departmentalization simplifies the operations and makes it possible to
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Priority Pollutants and Their Health Effects
Priority Pollutants and Their Health Effects INTRODUCTION The Priority Pollutants are a set of chemical pollutants EPA regulates, and for which EPA has published analytical test methods. the Priority Pollutant list published at 40 CFR 423, Appendix A,An estimated 25% of death and disease globally, is linked to environmental hazards. The WHO, EPA have listed the persistent pollutants, which are included in this article along with the major and few minor health hazards of the vivid categories of pollutants. [1,2] The UK environmental protection act (EPA) 1990, ‘pollution of the environment’ means pollution of the environment due to the release (into any environmental medium) from any process of substance which are capable of causing harm to man or any other living organism supported by the environment. The escape of any substance capable of causing harm to man or any other living organism supported by the environment. [3] The priority pollutants can be classified on the basis of:- chemical and physical nature source of the pollutant environmental pathway used target organism affected gross effect on the Earth [3] The Environmental Pollution Agency have short listed the priority pollutants. [4] In addition to this comprehensive list Asbestos, Barium, HCB, Cadmium, Tin and Petroleum Hydrocarbons are also included under the broad title of ‘PRIORITY POLLUTANTS’. [5] Priority pollutants can be divided into 3 categories:- Metals Pesticides Volatile and non volatile organics [4] DETECTION OF PRIORITY POLLUTANT (METALS) Atomic Absorption spectroscopy, a very sensitive method used to analyse the priority pollutants by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Due to a few limitations in this methods the ability of dibenzyldithiocarbamate (DBDC) to form complexes with the priority is used, this is then followed by liquid chromatography, on a C18 column and using 64% methanol, 12%acetonitrile,5%tetrahydrofuran and19% Ph 5 acatate buffer as the mobile phase, which is quantified using ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometry. (10 out of the 13 priority pollutants are detected using this method.) [6] Health hazards of heavy metals The major and general health hazard due to metals is their direct influence as a carcinogen.[7,8] Health hazards due to Arsenic The primary concerns are carcinogenicity and mutagenicity. Chronic exposure can result in poisoning of the nervous system, liver damage, and peripheral vascular disease, leading to gangrene of the lower limbs. This condition is commonly known as `black foot disease’. Chronic exposure to As is also associated with leukaemia, kidney and bladder cancers, dermatitis, hyper pigmentation, and arsenical keratosis. Arsenic acts as a non-genotoxic carcinogen. However, it affects DNA methylation and repair. Vomiting, diarrhea Peripheral nervous system problems Decreased intelligence Beathing problems [7,8,9] Cadmium The organs affected the most are:- Kidney : impaired renal functions, Increased excretion of low-molecular weight proteins in the urine. Increased risk of Lung cancer. Bone disorders: Osteomalacia, Osteoporosis and spontaneous bone fracture. Irritation Of The Lungs And Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer Of The Prostrate [8,9] LEAD Impaired Neurological Development (memory and learning difficulties, behavioural problems, reduced IQ) High blood pressure Kidney Failure Miscarriage Decreased sperm count Supression Of Haematological System [9] MERCURY Gastro-Intestinal Disorders (digestive problems) Respiratory Tract Irritation Renal Failure Neurotoxicity Blindness and deafness Lack of co-ordination Mental retardation[9] Pesticides Pesticides enter the food chain through water. This includes the derivatives of chlorinated hydrocarbons, herbicides and insecticides used on the soil. The mentioned categories of pesticides are very resistant and persistent in the environment, and have become ubiquitous over the years. The regularly used pesticides are mentioned.[5,13] DDT(Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane) AldrinandDieldrin, ChlordaneHCBor hexachlorobenzene Heptachlor Lindane Methoxychlor [4] HEALTH HAZARDS DUE TO PERSISTANT PESTIDICES AND INSECTICIDES Pesticides are designed to kill and because their mode of action is not specific to one species, they often kill or harm organisms other than pests, including humans. The health effects of pesticides depend on the type of pesticide. Following are the health hazards caused due to Organophosphates, DDT, Lindane, Carbamate and Pyrethroids. [5] The major health hazards of pesticides are:- Neurological Health Effects Carcinogenic Hormone Disruption Impaired Reproductive Developments Decreased Sperm Count And Motility [10] NEUROLOGICAL HEALTH EFFECTS Memory Loss Loss Of Coordination Reduced Speed Of Response To Stimuli Reduced Visual Ability Altered Or Uncontrollable Mood Reduced Motor Skills. Convulsions And Seizures [10,11] OTHER POSSIBLE HEALTH EFFECTS Asthma Allergies ( skin allergies that are toxic) Hypersensitivity to light, sound and touch Nausea Fatigue [10,11] Acuteorganophosphateandcarbamateexposure causes signs and symptoms of excess acetylcholine, such as increased salivation and perspiration, narrowing of the pupils, nausea, diarrhea, decrease in blood pressure, muscle weakness, and fatigue. Some organophosphates also have a delayed neurological reaction characterized by muscle weakness in the legs and arms. [11] SEMI VOLATILE AND VOLATILE ORGANICS This group of Pollutants is wide ranging and consists of :- Chlorinated Alkanes (Carbon Tetrachloride) Chlorinated Ethenes (Polyvinyl Chloride Or Pvc) Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Naphtalene, Coal Tar), Pesticides, Herbicides And Fumigants (Ddt, Endrin, Aldrin, Lindane, Methoxychlor, Toxaphene And Silvex), Mono-Dichlorobenzenes (Solvents), Benzenes (Benzene, Toluene) Phenols And Chlorophenols And Trihalomethanes (Chloroform, Bromoform). [5] HEALTH EFFECTS DUE TO ORGANICS Vinyl chloride is associated with cancer. PAH, induces cancer lung being the main target, [10] Phenols and chlorophenols lead to alterations in hepatic enzyme activities, gross increased liver weight and histopathological (hypertrophy, vacuolization, hyperplasia, fibrosis, necrosis and degeneration) effects is found following acute, intermediate and chronic oral exposure to PCP, Hepatocyte degeneration and centrilobular hypertrophy, Significant alterations in thyroid hormone levels have been observed, decrease fertility, and growth, signs of chloracne and minor disturbance of lipid metabolism., neurodevelopmental effects in infants. [3,whatever is the rest of the part] [10] Trihalomethanes can lead to colon cancer. [14] CONCLUSION Knowing about pollutants and their health hazards is not the end of it. Research has to be done on ways to curb this disaster and irreversible damage that has lured on our environment. Effort has to be made to find ways to tackle this pollution and PRIORITIZE Our Mother Nature and Human Health rather than POLLUTANTS! REFERENCES. The health and environment linkages initiative, world health organization, UNEP,, accessed on 02-05-2015. EPA,, accessed on 3-05-2015. Gareth Evans and Judith Furlong (2003), Environmental Biotechnology Theory And Applications, John Wiley And Sons Ltd. USEPA Priority Pollutants,, accessed on 3-05-2015. Fishery harbor manual on the prevention of pollution,, accessed on 3-05-2015. James H. Shofsthal and James K. Hardy, Method For The Determination Of The Priority Pollutant Metals By HPLC, Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol 28, Issue 5, Pg 225-229. WHO, Europe, Health Risks Of Heavy Metals From Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution, World Health Organization, 2007,, accessed on 13-05-2015. Heavy metals; Mercury, Arsenic, Lead, A Century’s Old story Lars JÃ ¤rup, Hazards of heavy metal contamination, J Epidemiol Community Health2002;56:824-825 UNEP (Urban Environmental Unit United Nations Environmental Programme), Environmental pollution and impacts on public health. Health Risks Of Persistent Organic Pollutants From Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, WHO Europe, Peter Orris, Lin Kraatz, Karen Perry and Joe Asbury, Persistent Organic Pollutants and Human Health,May 2000, published by World Federation Of Public Health Associations. Effect of pesticide on human health,15/05/2015 Pereira and Michael A., Health Risk of the Trihalomethanes Found in Drinking Water Carcinogenic Activity and Interactions, Medical College of Ohio,2000.
Friday, October 25, 2019
In What Ways Does Brownings use of the First Person Narrative in his :: English Literature
In What Ways Does Browning's use of the First Person Narrative in his Dramatic Monologues Help to Reveal the Thoughts and Feelings of his Characters? Robert Browning was a highly respected Victorian poet. He lived from 1812-1889. Browning eloped with and married the daughter of a family Tyrant, Elizabeth Barrett. They loved each other until death parted them and both poets wrote moving love poetry, having experienced the happiness of true love for themselves. The two poems I shall study in this essay give a whole different side to Browning's poetry and a whole different view of love. Both of them have little to do with love as most of us would understand it, yet both give very interesting studies of two contrasting characters. Browning uses the first person in his poetry to reveal the thoughts and feelings of his characters, and does this very effectively. The poem "My Last Duchess" gives us a complete character study of a Renaissance nobleman. Although he never talks directly about himself in his narrative, the Duke reveals a lot about his personality: it is made quite obvious that he is a very proud, arrogant and self-centred person. The poem is written as a monologue given by the Duke to a servant of a prospective new wife of his. He drops subtle hints to say that his prospective wife will have to behave in a way he sees fit, casually saying: "That's my last Duchess painted on the wall, Looking as if she were alive" He also twice mentions how the painting is by Frà Pandolf. This name-dropping reveals that he is arrogant. He obviously wants the servant to offer some sort of praise about the painting as he asks him, "Will't please you sit and look at her?" He obviously likes to be in control seen as he keeps a picture one presumes he would like everyone to see behind a curtain, so that men that he doesn't wish to look at her can't. He went to the sitting for the painting because he was so jealous. He makes this clear by saying: "Sir, 'twas not Her Husband's presence only, called that spot Of joy into the Duchess' cheek" He disliked the way she took pleasure from all things. He considered that this meant she saw him to be as important as her white mule or a beautiful sunset. One wonders if he was possibly quite an insecure man, seen as he could not believe, "She thanked men." I think one would think this of any man who was jealous of a sunset! He seems to think it a disgrace that he didn't think she appreciated the title he
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Internet Research Essay
1. In 1998, Carl P. Schmertmann, Adansi A. Amankwaa, and Robert D. Long wrote an article in an academic journal called â€Å"Three Strikes and You’re Out: Demographic Analysis of Mandatory Prison Sentencing. †Please write out the third sentence of the article. Popularly known as â€Å"Three Strikes and You’re Out†(3X), these new rules mandate long sentences without parole for those convicted of a third or higher-order felony. Source: JSTOR, Demography, Vol. 35, No. 4 (Nov. , 1998), pp. 445-463 2. The Washington Post publishes â€Å"D. C. Animal Watch,†which reports animal cases received by the Washington Humane Society and the D. C. Animal Control Division. According to the September 4, 2003, edition of â€Å"D. C. Animal Watch,†what happened at Bangor St. SE, 1400 block? A woman reported that a male acquaintance had tied her cat with a rope so it could not jump onto a baby’s bed. She said the cat was choking and she was afraid to untie the rope. When a Humane Society officer arrived, the cat had been untied. Source: The Washington Post, September 4, 2003 edition of â€Å"D. C. Animal Watch†3. On Feb. 18, 1987, Anne C. Roark wrote an article in The Los Angeles Times about Donald Foster’s claim to have identified a poem as one of Shakespeare’s. What’s the name of the article? And, according to the article, where does Foster teach? Article name: â€Å"Bard’s Sonnets A Mystery at Long Last Resolved? †Foster taught at Vassar Source: Los Angeles Times, February, 18, 1987 4. What is the call number for Giovanni Boccaccio’s book called Decameron? (Please choose the 1986 circulating copy) FIC BOCCACCIO, G. 5. What is the call number for Milan Kundera’s book The Unbearable Lightness of Being? (Please choose the 1984 entry. ) FIC KUNDERA, M. 6. What is the call number for the Guinness World Records? (Choose the most recent edition. ) 031. 02 M257 7. How many people live in the Marshall Islands? (Your information must be currentâ€â€nothing before 2003. ) You might try NVCC’s â€Å"Best of the Web,†which will link to the recently-updated CIA World Factbook. 61,815 (July 2007 est. ) Source: CIA World Fact Book, https://www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/rm. html 8. Julian Bond is a faculty member in the History Department at the University of Virginia. Where and when did he receive his Bachelor’s degree? Morehouse, 1971 Source: University of Virginia website: http://www. virginia. edu/history/faculty/bond. html 9. On July 17, 2003, the National Highway and Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) released its highway fatality statistics (in the form of a press release). According to the NHTSA, how many fatalities were alcohol-related in 2002? You must locate the report itself. 41 percent of the total with 17, 419 deaths Source: Press Releases, NHTSA website: http://www. nhtsa. dot. gov/portal/site/nhtsa/template. MAXIMIZE/menuitem. f2217bee37fb302f6d7c121046108a0c/? javax. portlet. tpst=1e51531b2220b0f8ea14201046108a0c_ws_MX&javax. portlet. prp_1e51531b2220b0f8ea14201046108a0c_viewID=detail_view&itemID=979ffd08cccaff00VgnVCM1000002c567798RCRD&pressReleaseYearSelect=2003 10. According the American Kennel Club, what should a Mastiff’s temperament be like? (Copy and paste the entire description. ) A combination of grandeur and good nature, courage and docility. Dignity, rather than gaiety, is the Mastiff’s correct demeanor. Judges should not condone shyness or viciousness. Conversely, judges should also beware of putting a premium on showiness. Works Cited â€Å"Marshall Islands†. Retrieved November 2, 2007 from the Central Intelligence Agency World Fact Book website: https://www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/rm. html. Roark, Anne C. (1987, February 18). Bard’s Sonnets A Mystery at Long Last Resolved?. Los Angeles Times, p. Metro Desk 1. Schmertmann, Carl P. , Amankwaa, Adansi A. and Long, Robert D. (November, 1998). Three Strikes and You’re Out: Demographic Analysis of Mandatory Prison Sentencing. Demography, 35:4, 445-463. Research Facts Find the answers to the following questions. For each item, list the answer and the source that you used to find it (no need to provide a full Works Cited entry). Then, in one or two sentences, explain how reliable you think that source is. Since you will probably use Internet-based sources, consider how objective, current, and credible each site is. For this exercise, you do not need to choose high-quality sites; you simply need to explain why you believe each site is or isn’t reliable. 1. What country has the smallest population? Vatican City, population 920 Source: World Atlas web site: http://worldatlas. com/aatlas/populations/ctypopls. htm The site is run by Graphic Maps, dba the Woolwine-Moen Group and while they claim to be as accurate as possible, they do admit there is a margin of error. Most likely, the statistics presented are accurate. 2. What country has the lowest literacy rate? What about the highest? Lowest is Burkina Faso, highest is Cameroon, United Republic. Source: SIL International website:
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Feasibility Study Essay
This Feasibility Study was made possible by the guidance, supervision, cooperation and participation of the following: To the Almighty God who always looks up and secures the safety of the preparers in doing this project. To our parents who always guide and give words of wisdom to inspire us in doing our best in preparing the Feasibility Study as well as giving their both financial and emotional support. To our beloved intelligent Adviser and Business Plan Professor, Ma’am Ma. Rona D. Sahagun, who has greatly shared her knowledge to us with patience and diligence in helping us meet the necessary works for the completion of our Feasibility Study. To the Preparers, themselves who have given lot of efforts and consumed so much time to make the completion of the feasibility study be possible and successful within the given time. Together, we sincerely acknowledge and give thanks the person/s mentioned above who have brought the success of doing this Feasibility Study. We are very grateful for this wonderful accomplishment. Introduction We are in the business of building and strengthening relationships through the art of transforming stuff’s. A specialty store that primarily provides personalizes materials and services. We choose this kind of business primarily because we want to express our ideas through craft of making customized things. We help our clients to make they wants be possible as it is. We named this business â€Å"CLASSY GALORE†. CLASSY GALORE is a possessing elegance, the attribute of being tastefully designed, decorated and maintaining refined grace and dignified propriety. A deeper, more meaningful word for ‘cool’, because it is the result of your creative concept which is different from others. The uniqueness of â€Å"Classy Galore stuff†comes from our own composition and the suggestion coming from our beloved target markets. We are accepting opinions, adding details on stuff’s for a better outcome for its aesthetics. The colorful atmospherics and collatera ls of â€Å"CLASSY GALORE†, its innovative, fashion-forward and fun, and the excellent and personalized service of its staff captured the hearts and purses of the market. Mission The CLASSY GALORE mission is to execute our customers design and ideas in order to make it possible. We are also committed to provide customers with wide range of high quality product. It will give friendly prices, hassle free and fast transaction. Moreover, it also guarantees that our entire client will be given outmost respect, love, attention and service. Vision CLASSY GALORE will be one of the most visited shop in our country and in the succeeding year it will expand and be known to other places. Furthermore, it continuously values convenience and long-term relationship with its customers. Objectives 1).To receives a 50% profit margin within the first year. 2).To provides total quality of a customer’s desire. 3).To expands our business in three (3) years. 4).To patronize by people particularly in San Pablo City Laguna. Strategies 1).Our clients are free to suggest their ideas or details on the stuff that they want to personalized. 2). More revenue with lower cost (purchased more to earn discount) 3). Offering membership, SUKI stamp (redeemable for a period of time) Product/Service Description * Our compositions are made from the raw materials that already exist and are possible to enhance. Example: t-shirt (plain) Output: we put prints, sequence, patches etc. ( for adding those materials it end up to a vibrant one) * Items are sold through directly visiting our shop. * They purchased those products in our store because we offer affordable prices that have the assurance of a good quality. * Our pricing method is based on the materials used. * By our friendly interactions with the buyer will make them satisfied. Marketing Strategy Our marketing strategy will not exceed 5% of our annual gross sales. Marketing will be via: * Direct visiting and phone calls – free shipping if ordered by 2pm central. * Advertisement postcards, pliers * Business Cards * Word of mouth Sales Strategy Our key to sales strategy at â€Å"CLASSY GALORE†, will be a great buying experience, every time. Once a customer comes in the door, they will be greeted and assisted as much or as little as they wish. Some customers are uncomfortable with lots of personal attention; others expect it. Em’s experience as a student has taught her how to read the subtle signs that tell her what a customer is seeking when they enter. All customers will be offered reading materials while they shop, and we will have comfortable chairs for friends to sit in while waiting. Our sales goal is to generate repeat business and strong word-of-mouth advertising based on this great buying experience. Word of mouth in new apparel stores tends to spread to family, friends, co-workers. Target Market and Customer Characteristics â€Å"CLASSY GALORE†is a customer purchases are occasion-driven and include birthdays, anniversaries, thank-you’s, get well wishes, congratulations, and employee recognition. Customers tend to be those without the time or desire to assemble their own customized gifts. Part of the purchase process is therefore a need for convenience and for imaginative contents that make people say, â€Å"I wouldn’t have thought of that.†Customers can be found across San Pablo City, but individual repeat clients tend to be men and women, indicating that they have busy lives and need gift solutions that are meaningful and yet convenient to purchase. Repeat business clients are often in service businesses, such as students, employee or just an ordinary people. Late November through December is expected to be one of the busiest times of the year for â€Å"CLASSY GALORE†, because businesses purchase holiday gifts at that time.†CLASSY GALORE†, location near downtown, where many business offices are located, makes quick deliveries possible. CLASSY GALORE’s, greatest potential for increasing its client base is the business sector, where it can be promoted as a convenient, personal (yet appropriate), and high-quality tool for customer care, and employee recognition. CLASSY GALORE will not overlook the potential of its individual clients, however, promoting itself as a solution for those gift-giving times that require a personal touch.
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