Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Importance of the Progressive Era Reforms
The historical periods change, and the new eras require innovative approaches to organizing the political, economic, social, and cultural life of the people. In the United States, the Progressive Era is associated with the period of 1890-1920 when the traditional old order was changed with the new order under the influence of active transformations in the political and social spheres.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of the Progressive Era Reforms specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The activists of Progressivism in the USA were the representatives of different social categories that is why the changes started by the Progressive politicians were actively supported in the society. The importance of the Progressive Era reforms is in providing a lot of possibilities for changing different aspects of the political, economic, and social life for the benefit of the US citizens with references to stating the democratic principles, development of the women’s movement and labor unions, and modernizing the social and economic spheres. Today, the Progressive Era is discussed as the period when the leaders of the USA chose the way of reforms to improve all the aspects of the social life and state’s development in order to respond to the requirements of the industrial age. To follow the way of progress meant to set the democratic principles as efficient basics of the US development. That is why it was necessary to make the work of the government effective without concentrating on corruption and make the state’s economy strong without references to the corporate business. The next important stage was the changes in the social sphere. The active followers of Progressivism were the women who stood up for the actual equality of women and men in relation to the suffrage. Moreover, the importance of the Progressive Era reforms can be evaluated with references to developing the feministic ideas among the American women. The possibility to accentuate the social value of women becomes real, and the female activists of Progressivism use this chance to state their rights and emphasize the social equality with the focus on developing definite charitable programs.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The representatives of the US working class also used the possibilities provided by the Progressive Era to change their current state and gain some benefits. The accents were made on forming labor unions as the organizations to protect the workers’ rights. In spite of the fact, there were a lot of limitations for the labor movement development, the positive tendencies in changing the workers’ situation for better were observed. Furthermore, the movement for the racial equality developed along with the women and labor’s movements. There were no immediate critical changes in the social situation, but the Progressive Era reforms changed the general course of the country’s development, accentuating the democratic ideas and social rights. Such leaders as Theodore Roosevelt made a lot for transforming the previous order based on traditions and for setting new goals for the country’s development depending on fair business and trade, modernized economy, education, and medicine. Thus, the key notions associated with the Progressive Era are the modernization, rejection of the old traditions, efficiency, and responsibility. Labor movement, women’s orientation to feminism, and movements for the racial equality became the symbols of the age. The period of Progressivism is significant for the US history because the associated changes and new developed approaches used by politicians created the necessary conditions for the country’s further progress. This essay on The Importance of the Progressive Era Reforms was written and submitted by user Sebastian Berg to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Absolute Values In Radicals Essays - Mathematics, Algebra
Absolute Values In Radicals Essays - Mathematics, Algebra Absolute Values In Radicals Absolute Values in Radicals Absolute values in radicals is a very easy concept, once it is mastered. Basically an absolute value is the positive square root of the sum of the squares of the real and imaginary parts of a complex number. An absolute value sign is two straight lines that are place around the exponent to show that the value of the exponent is a positive number. Absolute value signs are needed when there is an even exponent inside a radical and when the square is taken the exponent becomes odd. Then, the odd exponent is placed outside the radical and absolute values signs are placed around it. Absolute value signs are needed because the exponent could be a positive or a negative number. X could be negative number and if it were raised to an even power, it would become positive. But if someone would need to find the square root, the absolute value signs would be needed to show that could be a nonnegative value.
Friday, November 22, 2019
German Numbers and Counting From 0 to 20
German Numbers and Counting From 0 to 20 Learning numbers or counting in German is not difficult, but true mastery of numbers, in any language, takes time. It is fairly easy to learn to rattle off the numbers - eins, zwei, drei... and so forth. However, most of the time numbers are used in more practical ways: in telephone numbers, in math problems, in prices, for addresses, etc. Also, because you have already internalized the numbers in English or another first language, there can be the same kind of interference that happens with other vocabulary. So, do learn to say the numbers, but also try these exercises to see if you really know how to deal with them. If someone tells you a phone number in German, can you write it down? Can you do simple addition or subtraction in German? Die Zahlen 0 to 10 0 null 6 sechs 1 eins 7 sieben 2 zwei * 8 acht 3 drei 9 neun 4 vier 10 zehn 5 fà ¼nf * Often zwo is used to avoidconfusion with drei Die Zahlen 11 to 20 11 elf 16 sechzehn 12 zwà ¶lf 17 siebzehn 13 dreizehn 18 achtzehn 14 vierzehn 19 neunzehn 15 fà ¼nfzehn 20 zwanzig ÃÅ"bung 7A (Exercise 7A) Mathe - Write out the answer to the following math problems in German.Note: in German is plus (PLOOHS); - is minus (MEEN-OOS). 1. zwei fà ¼nf ________________ 2. zwà ¶lf - zwei ________________ 3. drei neun _________________ 4. vier - vier _________________ 5. eins sechs _________________ 6. dreizehn - zwei _________________ 7. sieben elf _________________ ÃÅ"bung 7B (Exercise 7B) Diktat (Dictation) - Write out the following phone numbers as numerals. Example: null, vier; zwà ¶lf, vierzehn, zwanzig 04 12 14 20 (German phone numbers are often printed/written in groups of two-number pairs.) 1. null, zwo; zwà ¶lf, elf, zwanzig  ______________ 2. neunzehn; null, fà ¼nf; sechzehn,  ______________ 3. null, acht; zwà ¶lf, elf, zwanzig  ______________ 4. null, drei; vier, sieben; achtzehn, zwanzig  ______________ 5. dreizehn, zwà ¶lf, zehn, vierzehn  ______________
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Natural and houman life in Mono Lake Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Natural and houman life in Mono Lake - Essay Example While many species find the lake unfavorable for life due to its high pH and alkalinity, the alkali flies find a lot of benefit in these conditions (Herbst1& Bradley1 670). The water of the lake provides a natural breeding ground to the flies much as it provides good ground for feeding as it is filled with different kinds of algae; blue and green (Herbst1& Bradley1 670). Many species of birds live around Mono Lake and many others travel from as far as South America and take time to rest and rejuvenate on as they migrate from different places. The birds mostly find the Mono Lake a suitable ground for breeding as there is plentiful supply of food in the form of alkali flies and brine shrimps, especially between mid summer and fall (Cash & Bradley 312). It is estimated that over 100 bird species in totaling millions grace the Mono lake area at different times of the year (Mono Basin Ecosystem Study Committee of the National Research Council 46). It is estimated that more than 44,000 California Gulls find breeding ground around the lake in spring every year (Mono Basin Ecosystem Study Committee of the National Research Council 46). Some of the birds that are found in the wider Mono Lake region include red-necked phalaropes, flamingoes, egrets, Wilsons phalaropes, horned lark , bank swallow, dusky flycatcher, stellers jay, scrub jay and eared grebes, to name but a few. While the population of water fowls such as ducks was high in the lake several decades ago, this is no longer the case. The ducks, Gadwalls, Geese, Mallards,and Green-winged Teals have almost disappeared over the years as a consequence of the diversion of the river that flowed into the lake in 1941. Humans have lived in the Mono Lake region for a long time. The Kutzadikaa people find benefit from the lake in that they normally hunt alkali flies for food during winter periods as noted by Herbst and Bradley (193). For the different bird species and the tufa mounds that
Natural and houman life in Mono Lake Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Natural and houman life in Mono Lake - Essay Example While many species find the lake unfavorable for life due to its high pH and alkalinity, the alkali flies find a lot of benefit in these conditions (Herbst1& Bradley1 670). The water of the lake provides a natural breeding ground to the flies much as it provides good ground for feeding as it is filled with different kinds of algae; blue and green (Herbst1& Bradley1 670). Many species of birds live around Mono Lake and many others travel from as far as South America and take time to rest and rejuvenate on as they migrate from different places. The birds mostly find the Mono Lake a suitable ground for breeding as there is plentiful supply of food in the form of alkali flies and brine shrimps, especially between mid summer and fall (Cash & Bradley 312). It is estimated that over 100 bird species in totaling millions grace the Mono lake area at different times of the year (Mono Basin Ecosystem Study Committee of the National Research Council 46). It is estimated that more than 44,000 California Gulls find breeding ground around the lake in spring every year (Mono Basin Ecosystem Study Committee of the National Research Council 46). Some of the birds that are found in the wider Mono Lake region include red-necked phalaropes, flamingoes, egrets, Wilsons phalaropes, horned lark , bank swallow, dusky flycatcher, stellers jay, scrub jay and eared grebes, to name but a few. While the population of water fowls such as ducks was high in the lake several decades ago, this is no longer the case. The ducks, Gadwalls, Geese, Mallards,and Green-winged Teals have almost disappeared over the years as a consequence of the diversion of the river that flowed into the lake in 1941. Humans have lived in the Mono Lake region for a long time. The Kutzadikaa people find benefit from the lake in that they normally hunt alkali flies for food during winter periods as noted by Herbst and Bradley (193). For the different bird species and the tufa mounds that
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Ethics and Safety Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Ethics and Safety - Assignment Example If Garcia takes the Miltech’s case to the union, the management will be liable for negligence and greed. The management would be accused of defiance to guide their subordinate employees when undertaking their duties, providing them with appropriate facilities, and improving the working conditions of their employees. The union will also challenge the management for its poor decision to accept the project beyond its capability and the risking for losing the contract would be high. Furthermore, the management would be challenged for violation of the Miltech’s corporate ethics because of neglecting their leadership qualities and making decision without consulting all the parties involved. On the other hand, If Garcia takes the matter to OSHA; the management team would be in trouble because it will have a case to answer. A legal action would be taken against the management because of risking the lives of their employees to achieve their personal objectives. Secondly, the team would make the company to be charged for its failure to adhere to the health and safety acts set by OSHA. Additionally, the case will damage the reputation of Miltech Company and the chances of retaining the awarded contract and winning similar contracts in the future would be slim. To make the matters worse all the members in support of such kind of a risk against health and safety of their employees would be sacked because they lack the characteristics of good leaders and are guided by greed. Before taking any action, Garcia should talk to the boss about the ongoing the circulating rumors for the newly awarded contract. Then he should act according to the decision made by the boss. If the boss decides to resolve the matter internally, it could be fine because the idea would prevent Miltech from losing its reputation. The management team and Garcia should meet and discuss the way forward in handling the contract and employees too should be represented. At their meeting, the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Worst Car Accident I Have Ever Had Essay Example for Free
Worst Car Accident I Have Ever Had Essay I felt a big thud at the front of my truck, and at that moment I did not know what had happened. Seconds later I felt my body turning with the vehicle. I grasped the wheel really hard with both of my hands, while the glass shattered in to pieces. My head, my chest, and my arms were soaking in blood. My heart was beating very fast. I thought it was the end of my life. That summer day on 2004, I was driving back from work in the afternoon and I took the South Beltway 8. When I was passing under the bridge on Harwin Street, the car in from of me suddenly move to the left lane. After that, I heard a heavy blow and my pick up truck went flying into the air. I did not know at that moment what happened. Later, when all was calm, I got out the truck, and I sat on the pavement. It was an amazing picture. I was very nervous while and arms bled from the wounds. Immediately, the paramedics and police had arrived, while a helicopter was flying over the area of the accident. I waited for the paramedics to come to my aid. Then they placed me on the stretcher very carefully and took me to the ambulance. The paramedics took my blood pressure and quicky wrapped my head in bandages. I also remember seeing a police officer who entered the ambulance only to put me a traffic ticket. I simply told the police officer that it was not my fault, that someone had left his car in the middle of the freeway. The ambulance took about ten minutes to arrive to the Southwest Memorial Hospital. I remember that in the Hospital they took many x-rays, and put me on a machine to get a scan. There was not found internal bleeding. Then the doctor said that the wounds were not so serious. I spent almost three hours at the hospital. I had not called my family, because I did not want them to worry. When I arrived at my home, I told my wife all about the accident. Finally, after a long day. I sat in a chair on the balcony of my house. I thought about the terrible accident that had happened. According to this experience I learned that life is to short and nobody knows the future and I never thought that I would had such a serious accident.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Temptation in Where Are You Going , Where Are you Been? Essay -- Where
The Theme of Temptation in â€Å"Where Are You Going , Where Are you Been?†by Joyce Carol Oates In â€Å"Where are You Going, Where Have you Been?†Joyce Carol Oates uses an allegorical figure of evil to illustrate the theme of temptation. Oates alludes to hell through the character Arnold Friend, as the devil, and his victim Connie, who invites him in by committing the sin of vanity. The narrator implies that Arnold Friend is Satan by giving certain clues that the reader can easily deduce. The name that Oates gives to the character is one hint to the reader: â€Å"Connie looked away from Friend's smile to the car, which was painted so bright it almost hurt her eyes to look at it. She looked at the name, Arnold Friend. She looked at it for a while as if the words meant something to her that she did not yet know†(583). The name â€Å"friend†was commonly used by the Protestants to refer to evil or the devil. Moreover, Arnold Friend's appearance also hints that he is Satan: â€Å"There were two boys in the car and now she recognizes the driver: he had shaggy, shabby black hair that looked as a crazy wig†(583). The narrator emphasizes the â€Å"wig†to make the reader think that he is wearing it for a purpose, which is hide his devil’s horns. Also, the fact that Arnold Friend's eyes are covered is another stragedy use by Oates to c onfirm the assumption of the diabolic presence: â€Å" He took off the sunglasses and she saw how pale the skin around his eyes was it, like holes that were not in shadow but in...
Monday, November 11, 2019
The first campaign of the Civil War was the first win for the Union and was under the command of George B. McClellan. It was a minor battle but with this battle, under McClellan’s leadership successfully drove confederate troops out of the Kanawha Valley of western Virginia in May and June of 1861. This was described in James McPherson’s book â€Å"Ordeal by Fire†(159). McClellan’s victory gave the region a firm grip for the Union side and kept it from becoming in control of the confederates and eventually became West Virginia. But the first major battle was a totally different story.This was the battle of Bull Run Creek and it was a disaster. McClellan though helped this battle and became the savior, if even for the moment. Because McClellan replaced McDowell who was the general at the time and this became the boost he needed to later become general in chief (Rowland, 1998 p. 86). McClellan spent the fall and winter drilling h is troops and whipping them into shape. He was known for his slow way of doing things and this made Lincoln very agitated.This was probably why the rumors began to fly about McClellan’s inability to be a general began and it was no secret that McClellan had such contempt for Lincoln. On more than one occasion President Lincoln it was said that he couldn’t understand why McClellan was taking so long and insisted he go into the battle field. Lincoln insisting he was being too slow ordered the army into action, McClellan’s slowness was mentioned several times in both required readings and was said to be cautious or meticulous.Both books I read, â€Å"Ordeal by Fire†and â€Å"George B. McClellan and Civil War History†were written on the Civil War. But Thomas Rowland’s book core subject was on George B. McClellan. James McPherson’s book was more of a broader book covering the war with the central theme on the Civil Wa r and only discussed McClellan’s generalship in a small section of the book.The other book dealt more exclusively on the man and his abilities. In Rowland’s book he looked at the mental abilities of McClellan’s and coined him deranged and paranoiac. This too was mentioned in McPherson’s book but only that he had possible mental problems and possibly other problems that affected his abilities of being a general.Some of the problems with McClellan that both books do address are his slowness and problems of exaggeration. This exaggeration usually involved how many were in the opposing troops or in his troop’s inabilities to win a battle because of training time or supplies. It is commonly accepted though that McClellan was considered a failure as a general, but Rowland still defends his generalship to the bitter end.There were several bad decisions made by McClellan during his service in the Civil War. Union forces in the West had won some very important victories before McClellan could make a move to aid the fighting troops and this was a dark cloud over his leadership. The successes around the edge of the confederacy did not help to relieve the frustration many were feeling at the inactivity or failure of the Union forces on the eastern front and this helped to reinforce the general attitude towards McClellan’s generalship.Lincoln, because of this frustration, relieved McClellan of his command and ordered him to take the offensive command at the head of the Army of the Potomac and forced McClellan to begin campaigning (McPherson, 1982 p. 211). The overland route to Richmond was difficult so instead he moved his forces by water to the peninsula southeast of the confederate capital. After landing at Fort Monroe, a Union post, McClellan began moving up the peninsula and in early April of 1862. For months he remained at Yorktown choosing to besiege the enemy instead of attacking.This was another sign of his slowness and stagnation (Rowland, 1998 p. 107). Then after the fall of Yorktown he pushed ahead to a point twenty miles from Richmond and waited for troops he had expected Lincoln would send, but that didn’t happen because Lincoln believed that the troops should instead be sent to defend Washington instead. This infuriated McClellan.Many believe that if McClellan had moved more swiftly and decisively he probably would have captured Richmond with the forces he had available. But with a combination of faulty intelligence reports and his own natural caution he failed. He believed that he was outnumbered by the opposing troops and this was wrong (McPherson, 1982 p. 234). It was by the end of May that the Confederates learned that McClellan’s army was divided on each side of the Chickahominy River and decided to attack.This battle named Seven Pines was where McClellan was barely able to hold his ground. Finally Corps from the othe r side of the river crossed and saved his butt. It was during this battle that General Lee took command of the confederate army. General Lee at the end of June decided to put an all out effort to expel McClellan from his position on the outskirts of Richmond. In a series of battles that lasted seven days McClellan warded off Lee’s final assaults at Malvera hill and decided to retreat down the peninsula to a more secure point. In doing this it convinced Lincoln that the peninsula campaign was a wasted battle (Rowland, 1998 p. 66-67).It was on July 11th, 1862 that Lincoln appointed General Henry W. Halleck who had been in command in the western theater, to be the new general in chief. Halleck was ordered by Lincoln to command McClellan to withdrawal his army from the peninsula and join forces under General Pope that was preparing to move on Richmond by the overland route. Again McClellan was slow in responding and the confederates got to Pope before he d id. Pope was badly beaten before McClellan could arrive. This pissed Lincoln off and McClellan was ordered back to Washington where he was stripped of his command, but later out of desperation he was reappointed to the head of the army of the Potomac (McPherson, 1982 p. 255-260).Meanwhile Lee and his troops went on to invade Maryland in hopes of isolating Washington from the rest of the North. Soon McClellan caught up with him near Sharpsburg and this became the bloodiest one day battle of the Civil War. At Antietam on September 17th almost five thousand solders were killed on both sides and another eighteen thousand were wounded.The battle ended in a draw forcing Lee to withdraw south of the Potomac River to protect his low supplies. McClellan again was slow in his pursuit of the general and Lincoln blamed him for letting the enemy escape (Rowland, 1998 p.176). This lead to Lincoln believing he needed a stronger general because McClellan was so slow that he appointed Ambrose B. Burnside as commander of the Army of the Potomac. A mistake on Lincolns part because Rowland believed he was â€Å"replacing someone slow with someone that was considered dense†(Rowland, 1998 p. 223).In Rowland’s book he argues the war was divided with each having demands on the commanders that fought the battles. In Rowland’s book it depicts McClellan as overly cautious, proud, psychologically impaired, yet having an aristocratic air about him. This aristocratic officer was very apt at fighting very formidable commanders such as Lee and Jackson. With the battle of Seven Pines and Antietam campaign he had to face what Rowland says were very tough troops that gave McClellan every reason for caution. Other reasons for McClellan’s failures were the troops he was given. Thrown together hastily and unprepared. He said the nation was expecting quick wins and fast victories that just didn’t happen. Thi s too is why McClellan’s slowness was brought up so many times in each book.Sources used to write the books included historical documents, letters and diaries, but one thing that Rowland differs from McPherson is that he gives more weight to writings by other professionals that are considered quite controversial on the subject. Rowland used those sources for the basis of his thesis, which I believe gives a little less credibility to his work. McPherson on the other hand used a large amount of historically accurate documents, letters and diaries. His use of reference and his bibliography was quite impressive. In Rowland’s book he wrote more of feelings than on giving facts.I know Civil War history relies heavily on personal letters and notes, but I think taking these documents for face value is what McPherson did instead of adding his own personal beliefs. Letters between McClellan and his wife were used a lot in Rowland’s book and this is fin e but letters like these, to a wife during war, really aren’t the best use for facts. I think that at times of war many of the letters to family and friends leave much details out so they would not be worried about their family members so much of the writings need to be taken with a grain of salt.If asked which book I would put more stock into it would be McPherson’s book. It dealt more with black and white facts and was more of a historically timetabled book. After seeing all the research he had put into his book he won hands down. He did an excellent job of sifting through the tons of papers and historical documents to write a very clear and interesting book on the Civil War.Both authors agree that McClellan wasn’t the best general nor do they believe he was the worst. McPherson mentioned others that were just as bad or worst. McPherson did mention something that Rowland failed to mention and that was McClellan’s problem with chr onic exaggeration (McPherson, 1982 p. 212). This was quite a problem that he had affecting his abilities and image as a general. I agree with Roland that he wanted to give a more balanced look at the man General George B. McClellan and I think he did an excellent job in giving him overdue recognition for some of his achievements.He gave excellent reasons as to why he thought McClellan did what he did and thought he did a good job. â€Å"McClellan’s strategy, though reflective of the unrealistic war aims of the years 1861-1862 was cogent, reasoned, and consistent with conventional military wisdom and his personal views of the nature of the conflict. It was not hallucinatory or deranged; it mirrored the views of the administration and of a sizeable, if not shrinking, majority†(Rowland, 1998 p. 237). Rowland goes on to say that because McClellan didn’t have great or a large amount of wins is the only reason he was given a bad reputation and was n’t credited with any of his accomplishments.Reference:McPherson, J.M. (1982). Ordeal by fire: The Civil War and reconstruction. New York: Knopf.Rowland, T.J. (1998). George B. McClellan and Civil War history: In the shadow of Grant and Sherman. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Queensland University of Technology Essay
Consultation Times: Consultation times will be posted on the Blackboard site by the end of Week 1. As this is a 12 credit point unit, students are expected to spend 12 hours per week studying. As there are 3 hours of contact, you are expected to spend on average an extra 9 hours in your own time, studying and completing all assessment items. Mode of Offering This unit is not offered in the form of external study. While resources such as lecture recordings and tutorial solutions may be made available, it is expected that students will attend class and participate, such that electronic resources are used in addition to attendance at scheduled classes. Blackboard You are deemed to have full knowledge of all information posted on the unit Blackboard site It is vital that you check the Blackboard site and your QUT student email account on a regular basis for all important administrative announcements regarding this unit. All material on the unit Blackboard site will be removed on the day of the final exam for this unit. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have copies of all materials before this date. Development of Graduate Capabilities/Assurance of Learning Goals The QUT Business School has established the Assurance of Learning Goals (AOLs) to meet contemporary industry needs and standards. Achieving these learning outcomes will assist you to meet the desired graduate outcomes set at QUT and are aligned with other internationally accredited business schools. These AOLs are described on page 8 and the specific contribution of this unit to the overall development of the learning goals in the School of Accountancy units is shown on page 9. MODIFICATIONS TO UNIT FROM STUDENT FEEDBACK In response to student feedback, the content of the subject was reviewed for Semester 2, 2011 and the assessment requirements have been modified. In order to ensure that the assessment tasks more appropriately support your learning, the mid-semester exam has been removed and replaced with weekly tutorial work. The tutorial work is to be undertaken prior to the tutorial and comprise exam-related questions. The tutorial work comprises two types of questions, practical and critical thinking. The tutorial work will be collected each week and marked at random 5 times during the semester and are worth 5% each. The best 4 of 5 collections will count towards the overall 20% available for tutorial work. The tutorial work will be corrected in class by the student and then handed in. The work will be marked for ‘accuracy’. The weekly tutorial work is designed to develop a more independent, active and deeper learning process. The overall objective is to ensure that you have the opportunity to participate in the weekly tutorial class to the best of your ability and to receive a constant level of feedback and guidance. By adopting the role of â€Å"self-marker†in you will receive a clear understanding of not only the relevant solutions but also the level of understanding required for the final exam. Critical Thinking workshops have been introduced for the first time this semester to assist students in understanding the concept of Critical Thinking and provide assistance to students in learning how to answer (and structure their answer) to Critical Thinking based questions.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
“Ballad of Birmingham Essays
â€Å"Ballad of Birmingham Essays â€Å"Ballad of Birmingham Paper â€Å"Ballad of Birmingham Paper â€Å"Ballad of Birmingham†No, baby, no you may not go. We’ve all probably heard this once in our life times. Our moms always think they know best and they always say the decisions they make are for our own good. In some cases that’s true but in others it isn’t. In the â€Å"Ballad of Birmingham†by Dudley Randal it’s what the mother tried to protect her daughter but it wasn’t what she was expecting. It actually turned out to be a whole different story. This poem has a strong tone to it; it also has a very strong theme and a good variety of figurative language. The poem has a very happy tone to it at the beginning. The child says â€Å"Mother Dear, may I go downtown instead of out to play, and march the streets of Birmingham in a freedom march today? †(Lines 1-4) Obviously her daughter wants to do something her mother doesn’t approve of her doing. So her mother say â€Å"No, baby, no you may not go†(Line 5) She thinks that it’s a bad idea for a little child going downtown. So that’s when a little argument start not big but her mom say no and rather she goes to church. After she dresses her up the poem turns into a tragedy because when her mother left she had a smile and it was the last smile she would have in her face. Sadly there was a terrible explosion. The theme of this poem is you can’t always boast about things that are going to happen because you never know what can change in a heartbeat. It’s also about things that can change your life for ever. The mother thinks that downtown is not a place for her child. She says â€Å"No, baby, no you may not go. For I fear those guns will fire. But you may go to church instead and sing in the children’s choir†(Lines 13-16) Thinking its safe for her child she sends her to church and leaves with a smile but returns with a frown and tears coming down her face. She than sees her child’s white shoe she had worn but never say her child. The figurative language in this poem is strange but logical. For example â€Å"For the dogs are fierce and wild, and clubs and hoses, guns and jails aren’t good for a little child†(Lines 6-8) she means that there is thief’s and it’s really dangerous for kids to be walking around freely. It also gives the thought that there might be wild dogs loose and they are fierce towards people. Also when she mentions jails and guns there might be a conflict with people and a lot of crime for the jails. So it’s pretty understandable why she insist her child goes to church. Also (Line 10-12) â€Å"Other children will go with me, and march the streets of Birmingham to make our country free. †It sound like there is a conflict between migrations and being free. That is motivating kids to support it. Those are my main analyzing points of this poem. The change of the tone, the theme and the figurative language. This is why when we do things its best to think it over twice and look at from different points of views. Every action has its consequences. So that’s why you think things truly.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Challenges Faced By Social Entrepreneurs In India
Challenges Faced By Social Entrepreneurs In India India achieved an average growth rate of 7.7% from 2002-07; however the dividends of this growth have not trickled down to the bottom of the pyramid (Planning Commission of India 2007). According to UNICEF, 42% of India’s population is below the international poverty line of US$1.25 per day (UNICEF 2005). [ 1 ]  India’s Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-12) aims to reduce the head-count ratio of consumption poverty by 10 percentage points. However, to solve complex problems such as poverty the government, business and citizen sector need to work together and create innovative solution to pressing problems. In fact, Indian government has recognized the positive impact of citizen sector and has provided increasing levels of funding, under the five-year plans. It is estimated that India has 1.2 million to 1.5 million Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) operating currently. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the legal, tax and regulatory challenges faced by soc ial enterprises and recommends policy action. The paper is organized as follows: Section II puts forward a definition for social entrepreneur; Section III features two pioneering social entrepreneurs; Section IV focuses on the challenges faced by social entrepreneurs in India; and Section V provides recommendations to counter these challenges. II. DEFINITION OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR Social entrepreneurs are not the creation of the modern society. Historically, individuals and groups have combined the concept of entrepreneurship with social value creation to transform a current state of ‘unjust equilibrium’ for a targeted group of society (Roger and Osberg 2007). For example, Florence Nightingale built the foundation for the modern nursing profession at a time when nursing was not considered a respectable profession and lacked any codes, ethics and formal training. Further, this phenomenon was not limited to the developed world even the developing world had its share of so cial innovators. In 1920s, Jamnalal Bajal, founding father of a successful Indian enterprise Bajaj Group [ 2 ]  , popularized the importance of business ethics and launched social initiatives to eradicate the malice against ‘untouchables’ in Indian society. While social entrepreneurs have existed throughout history, the concept of social entrepreneurship is a relatively recent one. Drawing from social entrepreneurship literature, following are five key components of the concept: (1) creating social value that transforms the lives of those who lack the capacity to change the social and economic ecosystem (2) recognizing and capitalizing on the opportunity embedded in the current state of affairs (3) innovating and dislodging the present system of doing things (4) willing to take risk in this process and undeterred by scarcity of resources (5) forging a new, stable equilibrium that uplifts the lives of the targeted group and expanding this cycle to other geographic al locations (Peredo and McLean 2006) (Roger and Osberg 2007) (Bolton and Thompson 2004). Having emphasized the social entrepreneurs of the past, it is fitting to draw attention to their modern counterparts. III. SUCCESS STORIES OF INDIAN SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURS Vikram Akula, SKS Microfinance In 2006, Vikram was named by TIME Magazine as one of the world’s 100 most influential people and was awarded Social Entrepreneur of the Year by Schwab Foundation. Vikram recognized that the traditional banking institutions in India failed to reach out to millions of poor due to lack of collateral and high transaction cost; forcing the poor to be trapped in the vicious cycle of small debt-heavy interest by exploitative money lenders.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Triangle Creative Ltd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Triangle Creative Ltd - Essay Example The report is structured to include three main parts namely the marketing mix, relationship with variables and business networks, and the structure of the sales force. The three parts of the report form the basis of the success of the business during the current economic downturn. The recommendations presented in this report are based on the analysis of the current situation facing the company and are also effective in making sure that the business will manage to create a competitive advantage in the market. 2.0 Marketing Mix According to marketing principles regarding the marketing mix of a given business, there are a number of conditions that ensure the success of the business in its marketing functions (Kalish, Vijay & Eitan, 2005, p. 176). The marketing principles require that a business should at least address the following four conditions: i. The business should have the right product that has the right features such as appearance and functioning. ii. The available products sho uld be sold at the right prices to customers so as to maximize on attracting large numbers of customers that will record huge profits. The product should be sold in the right place and at the right time so as to improve the efficiency of business operations.The business should design and implement the most suitable promotion in marketing the product so that customers will have to be aware about the existence of the product in the market. The company has managed to attract a significant number of customers but the recent market conditions have led to the company losing a number of customers. This requires new strategies in the company’s marketing mix so as to ensure that the company attracts new customers as well as it retains existing customers. The strategy is that the business should consider expanding its marketing mix and making a number of changes on the existing marketing mix (Kemper, 2010, p. 112). 2.1 Product Triangle Creative Ltd should invest more in producing original services to customers as opposed to relying too much on outsourcing. This is because the outsourcing companies may provide services that may not meet all the needs of the clients. The company should improve its production capacity to include the provision of marketing and advertising services. This will ensure that the company has complete control over the quality of its product and makes it easier for the company to redesign its servi ces in the shortest time possible. The best option in this case is that Triangle Creative Ltd should consider merging with PJW Media Production. The advantages of such a merger include sharing of expertise knowledge and access to a wider market (Kiss & Martin, 2008, p. 129). Additionally, IMP literature materials suggest that mergers have the effect of reducing the costs of operations for any business (Kiss & Martin, 2008, p. 132). 2.2 Price The business should consider adopting a different pricing system for its services. Currently, the company is using a rigid pricing system that does not change with the pricing needs of the consumer. The limitation of such a pricing system is that the company is unable to offer price benefits such as discounts and bargains on prices of services. This may be one of the major reasons as to why the company is losing a
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